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Far Harran Celestial Sciences
Astrology and Tarot Services

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The testimonials are coming in for my astrology work:, and they are dynamite!

2023-04-30: Unlock the secrets of the stars and make your event truly unique with brief (10- or 15-minute) astrology and tarot readings. Professional astrologers and tarot card readers can bring a special insight and understanding to your event, turning it into a memorable psychic fair. Our readings help people gain insight into their lives, their relationships, and their future. We will work with you to create a unique experience that your guests will never forget! Call for arrangements.

2022-10-31: I am available for in-person readings at Books, Beans, and Candles MS  by appointment, as well as online. Email or call to set up an appointment. Note: if we are meeting at BBCMS, you pay there; otherwise use my Shop page.


  • I do Keepsake Horoscopes™. Memorialize any special occasion with a frameable chart of the way the Heavens saw that moment, with 3-6 pages of commentary.

  • New offering: a complete monthly Hermetic Almanac™. Your transits, progressions, fixed star interactions, all in one document. This is upgrading the simple transits report (which clients loved).

Note: Please be sure, when purchasing astrology services, to add your birth place, date, and time, as well as how you know the time. If you are getting a report or a consultation, you can include a few words about your particular questions. If you would like to add more than  that, feel free to email. IF YOUR BIRTH TIME IS UNCERTAIN, SAY THAT: WE CAN WORK AROUND IT.

Astrology from Me

I had been doing Pagan magic for nine years, when I decided that I should study the Western Hermetic tradition. For that, a knowledge of electional astrology is essential, so I started studying traditional astrology. I got into Christopher Warnock's astrological magic course. My interest in natal astrology developed rapidly when I examined my own chart: the revelations were stunning. "That's why I don't always think and act like a stereotypical Aries," and "No wonder I have never been single, even when I wanted to be," to name two.


I developed two specialties: healing and astrology. By 2015, I felt ready to take either one professional, but the guidance I received at the time was to focus on healing first.


Covid crashed my in-person healing business, so I started preparing to offer astrology services. I was well on the way by late Spring of 2021, when I had a vision at the peak of the Solar eclipse in June. In brief, it woke me up at 4:50am. I was shown a detailed movie of how I fit into the Cosmos, then was Told very certainly that it was time for me to specialize in astrology.

I have been studying astrology seriously since 2009. My work is grounded in ancient (pre-1700) astrology, but includes the modern planets in natal work. I have studied with Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology, and am a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and The Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA). My professional ethics follow the OPA Guidelines, as a minimum.

Why Astrology at All?

I see astrology as a vital part of the healing journey. My services are aimed at attuning the client to the cycles of the Cosmos, and offering specific assistance that promotes preparation for challenges, psychological integration, and spiritual healing and growth.

Humanity grew up under the stars, experiencing the cycles of day and night, the tidal pull of the Moon, and the goings and coming of the planets directly. We are a part of the dynamic Cosmos, not its head or its center. In the Renaissance, Marsilio Ficino summed it up thus:  "... the Cosmos is itself an animal more unified than any other animal, the most perfect animal..." What does "animal" mean? An ensouled, self-moving being. Your soul is not separate from the World Soul, the Anima Mundi. Starting in the late 18th Century, though, people adopted a more mechanistic view of the world as the Enlightenment grew into the Industrial Revolution. This was another Fall, in a way more grievous than the last one. We are  beginning to yearn for what we lost in that process. That yearning is eased by viewing one's life against the majestic backdrop of the sky, and so we follow astrology.


Casting your personal horoscope requires your date, place, and time of birth. The more accurate the time, the better, as it is your rising degree that makes your chart unique. Many people do not know their exact time of birth; we can work with that in a number of useful ways.



Astrology for You


"A true spiritual astrology would be an astrology that assists people in ceasing to be at war with themselves." —Robert Hand (one of the greatest contemporary astrologers)


Your full personal analysis includes an extensive written investigation of your birth chart and a report on your current transits, helping you confront aspects of your basic nature as well as upcoming challenges. You will receive a PDF of your report in 1-5 days. You can schedule a one hour consultation via Zoom, if you wish to explore futher (if you are local to Birmingham, Alabama, and prefer to meet in person, email for arrangements). You get a recording of the Zoom session (please let us know at the beginning if you wish not to be recorded).

After the initial report or consultation, you can subscribe to a monthly transits report for $20/month. This service includes the ability to have questions about your transits answered via email. You can always schedule follow-up consultations to look at year-ahead prospects and particular questions you may have (regular consultation rate). Around your birthday each year is a great time for a follow-up consult: we can look at your Solar Return chart and plan out your star-studded year ahead (or, you know, find the bumps in the road).




I bought my first "wicked pack of cards" in 1985. More recently, I have taken courses with Camelia Elias, one of the best professional teachers and readers. I have adapted her incisive style of reading. I read for specific questions and get precise answers. My readings are priced low, because once I understand the question, I deal the tableau—BAM!—and read the cards—BOOM! You'll get your reading, with a picture of all the cards drawn, and my incisive comments. Usually next-day delivery on these.

(I almost always use one of my Marseille decks. If you ask a really hifalutin' question, I might get out one of my more esoteric decks, like the SevenFold Mystery by Place, or the Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson.)




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P.O. Box 610724, Birmingham, AL 35261 USA

205 724-9449


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